Interview | Chelsey Hijab Love
Hey lovelies! So after the most awe inspiring interview with Lisa Vogl which you can read here, it sparked the idea to do a series of these type of interviews to further inspire people. I must admit that I'm barely into it, but it has thus far been an amazing journey reaching out to people to share their hijab experiences with me and my readers. Here is our second international interview on
Islam and Hijab. Chelsey from her Youtube channel Chelsey Hijab Love, is an American revert. She is a Vlogger and has
posted videos about her journey to islam and hijab on youtube. She often also
makes her own clothes and puts up some very interesting Tutorials. Here is my little chat with
1. Hi
Chelsey, could you tell us a bit about yourself for those of us that don’t
Well my name is Chelsey. I am 26 years old.
I was born and raised in Forida, USA.
2. Where
you very religious growing up?
I grew up in a loving family who wasn't very
religious. We celebrated all the Christian holidays, but we weren’t a family
that attended church, nor was I taught too much about God. But my family was
fun and loving. Typical American family, I'd say. I grew up by the beach, with
bikinis and flip-flops being an average weekend get up. I grew up very
open-minded and free spirited about life.
3. What
influenced you to find Islam?
began to look into Christianity when I was 11, than again around 15 or 16. I will
sum it up... I simply lacked faith and found myself questioning so many aspects
of Christianity. Around this time I began modeling and competing in USA Beauty
Pageants. I loved it! I did that until I got married to my long time boyfriend
at 18 years old. We began dating in 2001. He entered the United States Marine
Corp in my senior year of high school. He wanted to make a better life for us.
Later that year in 2005 we got married and I moved to California. Not only was
I away from my family but, he was soon shipped out to war the following year.
He was then deployed 3 times throughout our six year marriage. This unfortunately
brought us apart.
In 2011 I began realizing my life wasn't heading in a
direction I liked. I also sought out God, but never felt connected to any
faith. I had considered myself Atheist for most of my life and thought of
religion as kind of a joke. Realizing I never researched Islam properly, and
having had some Muslim friends I decided to dive in. At this time my marriage
was going down the drain and we couldn't hold on any longer. We ended up
parting after almost 12 years together. Although it was the hardest thing I had
to ever do, I knew in my heart Allah swt had other plans for me. I soon decided
to convert.
4. Wow, what then made you start Vlogging?
Soon after I got involved with my now
husband. Allah swt blessed me with love again, when I needed it most. We were
engaged for a while, me having just got out of a marriage, I didn't want to
rush anything. Around then I started wearing hijab and began my YouTube
channel. I wanted to do beauty videos, but soon realized their wasn’t many
converts speaking about their journey to Islam, thoughts, struggles etc. I
began using this as my main topics. I’ve made some friends and inshAllah has helped
a few girls along the way.
This past April, my husband and I decided to make
it official. We got married in the Mosque; very simply. Then not too long after getting married were
we blessed with a positive pregnancy test. We couldn't feel more blessed to
have a little boy on the way. So, I
continue my channel with Pregnancy Vlogs, sewing vlogs, life topics and I have
gotten back into some beauty videos, since my education is in Cosmetology. I'm
working on being my own boss inshAllah. I'd really love to create a modest
fashion line. It’s slightly been in the making for a while. When Allah wills,
it will all come together.
5. There
is a common fear amongst some non-Muslims that Islam is the religion of a group
of extremist. What light can you shed on this about Islam to non-Muslims?
It simply comes down to ignorance. I find
that many people fall into manipulation and education from the wrong sources.
Non Muslims see war and corruption from Muslims and Muslim countries, but fail
to notice the corruption around them. They point fingers at whole groups,
instead of individuals. Most people grab hold of negativity, stereotypes and
one sided information and run with it, as if they've mastered in Political
Science. I would kindly suggest that if one wants to truly know what Islam is
and who muslims are, as a majority and not the minority, they should visit
a Mosque or seek a Muslim for information and stop relying on networks whose
entire agenda lies around the destruction of Muslims and Islam as a whole.
6. What
where your thoughts on the hijab prior to reverting and after how long did you
start to wear hijab?
I started researching hijab prior to my
converting because I knew it was something I might have to do if I made the
choice to convert. I began watching hijab tutorials and researching hijab
fashion. Although were not supposed to wear hijab for the beauty of it or
fashion, I came from that lifestyle, so ultimately there had to be an appeal
for me to jump-start my desire to wear it. After seeing how beautiful it could
be I thought, "I could wear this, but maybe later on in my life." I
was a model, a hairstylist; I wasn't ready for all that just yet. As my
faith grew and my desire to not be seen as a sexual object anymore increased, I
saw not only the beauty of in fashion, but I saw the true beauty of it in
faith. A year after I converted in August 2012 I put it on, and although I'm
not perfect, I haven't removed it alhumdulAllah. I now feel naked without it.
7. How
has wearing the hijab made you feel?
I've always considered myself a bit of a
feminist, and unlike most who feel its liberating to reveal their bodies
(which I did at one point) I know feel this liberation within myself to control
how others perceive me. I focused so much on my outer beauty growing up, having
been judged for it...literally. I started to see how men looked at me, how I'd
always been known for my hair or my body, and thought "What the heck kinda
feminists am I?!" I fell in love with a great man, whom I wanted to show
my beauty to and him alone. I started to see the world differently, our
priorities as women as humans. My opinions on hijab may be liberal at times,
but I am also very dedicated to my decision. Its apart of who I am now.
8. How
has your family reacted to you reverting and wearing hijab?
my father and I have always been very connected on the same mindset of
religion, so when he found out I was looking into Islam he kinda thought I was
silly. My mom of course being very open minded, still found herself only understanding
what she had seen and heard of Islam and Muslims from the news and papers. She
was more or less very frightened for me. When I began wearing the hijab it was
just too much for them. My father got used to it a bit faster than my mom, as
she still doesn't get it, but they both stay very supportive of my change and
choice now. My parents see me happy and responsible, they have also been able
to learn a lot about the misconceptions, and have opened their minds a bit
more. AlhumdulAllah they love me so much and just want to see me happy.
9. What
were the challenges that you faced in wearing hijab in a Western Society?
I didn't really find too many challenges
really. I've always been a self thinker, and continue to be confident in my
choices and who I am. I never really cared too much about others judgment,
opinions or stares so my only challenge would be getting used to the lifestyle
change. I grew up by the beach wearing skirts and bikinis, swimming with my
family in pools. I've missed laying out by the pool and absorbing the sun, but
hey I guess its a skin cancer preventative. I also miss my hair being out at
times, being a Cosmetologist, I love hair, especially my own. I've come to
truly understand and except my choice though and wouldn't change it.
10. In
most western societies Hijab is seen as oppressive toward women, what can you
say against this common thought and what in your opinion are the advantages of
wearing the Hijab?
is truly perceptive. What one society or culture finds to be oppressive cannot
always be related to that of another’s. In the west we know to be beautiful,
live life up, work in the fast lane, and whatever you can do, I can do better.
This is no difference whether you’re a male or female. Women here forget how
long it took for us to receive certain rights we do now. We feel that earning
our own money, being a businesswoman and making choices for ourselves as
individuals make us liberated, but I can say the same for women around the
world. Muslim women, for the most part, decide to wear the hijab for one reason
or another, but not because it oppresses them, but liberate them in one way or
another. For me, I feel liberated from this sexual identity I've been
characterized into. I feel liberated to have a choice of how people perceive
me, not for my long legs or size of my chest, but for my character, my
thoughts. Of course a beautiful women is a beautiful women regardless, and of
course dressing modestly could prevent many unwanted stares, but for me veiling
myself as Allah has requested gives me that extra something that allows me to
feel just a little bit stronger in my independence of making my own choices,
for what's best for myself.
11. How has
your dress sense evolved since wearing hijab and how would you describe your
fashion sense?

12. What
type of hijab style is your everyday and what is your favorite?
Again my style is really all over the place.
I love turkish style but I don't find it universal with all outfits. I loved
turbans for a while, but now just get annoyed with finding a way to cover my
neck. I've fell in love with maxi hijabs. So that's kinda my go to. The way I
wrap it really varies on the outfit though.
difficult question. I find myself really enjoying my individualism. I wouldn't
say I'm inspired by anyone in the terms of style. I like what I like, and
anyone, or anything can inspire at some time or another.
14. Do you
have any style tips to share with memrsme readers?
Be yourself. Find what works for you and
work it. Some girls look beautiful in flowing maxi dresses, and others rock out
kicks and oversized tees. Don’t feel like you have to put yourself in any category
and try new things.
15. I
know that you make your own clothes tell us what inspires you in this regard
and who is your favorite clothing designer?
I just
love to create. I really find joy in making things. I've always found myself to
be more on the creative side, but inspiration is one thing that makes it difficult
for me, as I believe it to be with many artist or creative minds. With clothes,
I love fabric. I have to see it and feel it, and than I find myself thinking
about what I can make from it. I also find inspiration and other garments, but
recreating them to be modest. My sewing skills lack a bit, as I haven’t been
sewing for long. I'm still learning and gaining education on how to make
certain things, so I haven't been able to conquer certain designs I have drawn
down. I know this might be strange, but regardless of all the things I've been
into...modeling, cosmetology, art, make up, fashion design...I've never studied
ones art enough to have favorites or people that inspire me. I guess I never
want to feel like someone else's work turns into my work. I like to be free
thinking and open. I unfortunately don't have a favorite designer.
16. What
advice can you give to Muslim women who are afraid or feel that they are not
yet ready to wear hijab?
we have to be educated properly on our faith. We need to know what hijab is,
not just as a scarf around our hair, but our dress, our character and the
modesty that starts from within first. So many girls get wrapped up in covering
their hair, they forget to be nice or compassionate. Also many girls who think
about wearing the hijab become nervous that they can't, or they have to live up
to some unachievable idea of what hijab is or entitles. No one is perfect, by
far, but any step we can take towards that perfection is a step in the right
direction. Don’t wear it because of make up or friends or vain images of not
being beautiful anymore. Wear it because it males you happy, wear it because
Allah has requested us to. Everything else will come in time.
Much Love!
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